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Managing Users

Invite your team members to your Wallarm account and assign each one a specific role to safeguard sensitive information and limit account actions. Manage users under Settings → Users.

Only Administrator and Global Administrator roles have user management privileges.

User roles

Users of Wallarm clients can have the following roles:

  • Administrator with access to all Wallarm settings.

  • Analyst with access to view main Wallarm settings, and manage information about attacks, incidents and vulnerabilities.

  • Read Only with access to view main Wallarm settings.

  • API Developer with access to view and download the API inventory discovered by the API Discovery module. This role allows distinguishing users whose tasks only require using Wallarm to get actual data on company APIs. These users do not have access to any Wallarm Console sections except for API Discovery, its dashboard, and Settings → Profile.

  • Deploy with access to create Wallarm filtering nodes using the addnode script and with no access to Wallarm Console.

    Using the Deploy role to install the Wallarm node 4.0

    The Deploy user role is recommended to be used to install only nodes 3.6 and lower since the addnode script is deprecated in the release of version 4.0.

The multitenancy feature also enables you to use the global roles Global Administrator, Global Analyst, Global Read Only. Global roles provide users with access to the technical tenant account and linked tenant accounts, regular roles provide users with access only to the technical tenant account.

More detailed information about access of different user roles to the Wallarm entities is provided in the table below. Entity management covers entity creating, editing, and deleting.

Entity Administrator / Global Administrator Analyst / Global Analyst Read Only / Global Read Only API Developer
Filtering nodes View and manage View View -
Dashboard View View View -
Attacks View and manage View and manage View -
Incidents View and manage View and manage View -
API Sessions View View View -
Vulnerabilities View and manage View and manage View -
API inventory by API Discovery View and manage View and manage - View and download
API Specifications View and manage View View View
Scanner View and manage View and manage View -
Triggers View and manage - - -
IP lists View, manage, and export View, manage, and export View and export -
Rules View and manage View and manage View -
Credential Stuffing Detection View and manage View and manage View -
BOLA protection View and manage View - -
Integrations View and manage - - -
Filtration mode View and manage View View -
Applications View and manage View View -
Users View and manage - View -
API tokens Manage personal and shared tokens Manage personal tokens - -
Activity log View - View -

Inviting a user

You can add a user to your account in two ways, both involving the creation and sharing of an invitation link. You can either have Wallarm automatically send the invitation link to the user's specified email or share the link directly with the user.

Automatic email invitation

For this method, set up the user's role, email, and names in advance, and Wallarm will automatically send an invitation email with a link to log in and set a password to the specified user's email. The user should then follow the link to complete the signup process.

To send an invitation link automatically, click the Add new user button and complete the form:

New user form

After submitting the form, the user will be added to your list of users and receive an email with the invitation link.

Generate an invitation link by selecting your team member's email, their role, and the link's duration using the Invite by link option. Then, share this link with the intended user.

New user inv link

This link leads them to the Wallarm signup page to create their account by choosing a password and entering their name.

After signup, they will be added to your user list and will receive a confirmation email.

Changing user settings

Once a user appears in the user list, you can edit their settings using the Edit user settings option from the corresponding user menu. This allows you to change their assigned user role, first name, and last name.

Disabling 2FA

If a user has two-factor authentication (2FA) enabled and you need to reset it, select the Disable 2FA option from the user menu. Confirm the action by entering your Wallarm administrator account password.

User actions menu

This will disable 2FA for the selected user. The user can re-enable 2FA through their profile settings.

Disabling and deleting users

  • To temporarily suspend a user's Wallarm account login capability without deleting their account information, use the Disable access option next to their name. This action marks them in gray in the main user list and lists them under the Disabled tab. Reactivate their account by choosing Enable access, allowing them to log in and access Wallarm again.

  • For permanent removal and to revoke login access forever, select Delete user from the user menu. This action permanently removes them from the user list and cannot be undone.

New user alerts

Receive instant alerts when new users are added to your Wallarm account by setting up a trigger with the User added condition. Choose to be notified about specific roles or any new user addition.

Team members interested in these notifications must set up their own triggers.

Trigger example: new user alerts to Slack

If a new user with the Administrator or Analyst role is added to the company account in Wallarm Console, notification about this event will be sent to the email address specified in the integration and to the Slack channel.

Example of a trigger sending the notification to Slack and by email

To test the trigger:

  1. Open the Wallarm Console → SettingsUsers and add a new user.

  2. Open your email Inbox and check that the following message received:

    Email about new user added

  3. Open the Slack channel and check that the following notification from the user wallarm received:

    [Wallarm] Trigger: New user was added to the company account
    Notification type: create_user
    A new user John Smith <> with the role Analyst was added to the company account by John Doe <>.
    This notification was triggered by the "Added user" trigger.
    Client: TestCompany
    Cloud: EU
    • John Smith and is information about the added user
    • Analyst is the role of the added user
    • John Doe and is information about the user who added a new user
    • Added user is the trigger name
    • TestCompany is the name of your company account in Wallarm Console
    • EU is the Wallarm Cloud where your company account is registered

Logout management

Administrator and Global Administrator roles can set up logout timeouts for company account in Settings → General. Settings will affect all account users. Idle and absolute timeouts can be set.

General tab