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API Tokens

In Wallarm Console → SettingsAPI tokens, you can manage tokens for API request authentication.

Wallarm API token

This section is available for the users of all roles besides Read Only and API developer.

Configuring tokens

Users can create own tokens and use them (which means, view token value and include it into API request to authenticate it). For each own token you can set permissions, but not wider than the ones your user has. Optionally, you can set expiration date for the token - if set, the token will be disabled after that date. Also, you can disable/enable your tokens manually.

You can renew the token value at any moment.

Administrators / Global Administrators can view and manage all tokens in the company account. Besides private tokens, they can create shared ones, that can be viewed/used by other administrators. When specifying permissions for the tokens, they can select to take these permissions from the selected role:

  • Administrator

  • Analyst

  • API Developer

  • Read only

  • Deploy - API tokens with this role are used to deploy Wallarm nodes

  • Сustom - switches back to the manual permission selection. To create a token for [OpenAPI security testing], the custom role with the corresponding permissions is required.

Token privacy

No other users (even administrators) can use your private tokens (which means, view or copy token value). Besides, non-administrators will not even see your tokens.

Consider that:

  • If the token owner has been disabled, all one's tokens are automatically disabled as well.

  • If the token owner has been reduced in permissions, corresponding permissions will be removed from all one's tokens.

  • All disabled tokens are automatically removed in a week after disabling.

  • To enable previously disabled token, save it with the new expiration date.

Creating tokens with global role permissions

To create an API token with the permissions based on the global roles like Global Administrator, Global Analyst or Global Read Only, do the following:

  1. Log in to the US or EU Wallarm Console under the appropriate user.

  2. At the top right, select ?Wallarm API Console. Wallarm API console is opened:

    Note that Wallarm API Console retrieves authentication data from the Wallarm Console. If you change user in Wallarm Console, refresh the Wallarm API Console page for the new authentication.

  3. Send the POST request to the /v2/api_tokens route with the following parameters:

    "client_id": <CLIENT_ID>,
    "realname": "<NAME_FOR_YOUR_API_TOKEN>",
    "user_id": <USER_ID>,
    "enabled": true,
    "expire_at": "<TOKEN_EXPIRATION_DATE_AND_TIME>",
    "permissions": [


    • <NAME_FOR_YOUR_API_TOKEN> is recommended to explain the token purpose.
    • <USER_ID> defines the user who owns the token, and <CLIENT_ID> - the company account this user belongs to.

      Obtain these IDs by sending the POST request to the /v1/user route.

    • <TOKEN_EXPIRATION_DATE_AND_TIME> in ISO 8601 format, for example 2033-06-13T04:56:01.037Z.

    • <REQUIRED_GLOBAL_ROLE> can be:

      • partner_admin for Global Administrator
      • partner_analytic for Global Analyst
      • partner_auditor for Global Read Only
    "client_id": 1010,
    "realname": "Token for tenant creation",
    "user_id": 10101011,
    "enabled": true,
    "expire_at": "2033-06-13T04:56:01.037Z",
    "permissions": [

    This request creates an API token with Global Administrator's permissions that can be used for the tenant creation.

  4. From the response, get the id of the created token and send the GET request to the /v2/api_tokens/{id}/secret route using this id.

  5. Copy the secret value from the response and use it as the API token for request authentication.

    Copying token from Wallarm Console

    As created API token is displayed in Wallarm Console, you can also copy it from the token's menu in SettingsAPI Tokens.

Backward-compatible tokens

Previously UUID and secret key were used for request authentication which is now replaced with tokens. The UUID and secret key your were using are automatically transformed to the backward-compatible token. With this token requests authenticated with UUID and secret key will continue working.

Renew token or enable SSO

If you renew the value of the backward-compatible token or enable SSO/strict SSO for this token's owner, the backward compatibility ends - all requests authenticated with old UUID and secret key will stop working.

You can also use the generated value of the backward-compatible token passing it in the X-WallarmApi-Token header parameter of your requests.

Backward-compatible token has the same permissions as the user role does, these permissions are not displayed in the token window and cannot be changed. If you want to control permissions, you need to remove a backward-compatible token and create a new one.

API tokens vs. node tokens

You can use API tokens described in this article for Wallarm Cloud API request authentication from any client and with any set of permissions.

One of the clients accessing Wallarm Cloud API is Wallarm filtering node itself. To grant a filtering node with the access to API of Wallarm Cloud, besides API tokens, you can use node tokens. Know the difference and what to prefer →

API tokens are not supported by some deployment options

API tokens currently cannot be used for Kong Ingress controllers and AWS deployments based on Terraform module. Use node tokens instead.