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Upgrading the postanalytics module

These instructions describe the steps to upgrade the postanalytics module 4.x installed on a separate server. Postanalytics module must be upgraded before Upgrading Wallarm NGINX modules.

Upgrading with all-in-one installer

Since version 4.10, upgrading is performed using Wallarm's all-in-one installer as the individual Linux packages have been deprecated. This method simplifies the upgrade process and ongoing deployment maintenance compared to the previous approach.

The installer automatically performs the following actions:

  1. Checking your OS and NGINX version.
  2. Adding Wallarm repositories for the detected OS and NGINX version.
  3. Installing Wallarm packages from these repositories.
  4. Connecting the installed Wallarm module to your NGINX.
  5. Connecting the filtering node to Wallarm Cloud using the provided token.

All-in-one compared to manual

To upgrade the end‑of‑life module (3.6 or lower), please use the different instructions.


  • Access to the account with the Administrator role in Wallarm Console for the US Cloud or EU Cloud.

  • Access to to download all-in-one Wallarm installer. Ensure the access is not blocked by a firewall.

  • Access to for working with US Wallarm Cloud or to for working with EU Wallarm Cloud. If access can be configured only via the proxy server, then use the instructions.

  • Executing all commands as a superuser (e.g. root).

  • Access to the IP addresses below for downloading updates to attack detection rules and API specifications, as well as retrieving precise IPs for your allowlisted, denylisted, or graylisted countries, regions, or data centers.

Step 1: Prepare clean machine

When upgrading modules with all-in-one installer, you cannot upgrade an old package installation - instead you need to use a clean machine. Thus, as step 1, prepare a machine with one of the supported OS:

  • Debian 10, 11 and 12.x

  • Ubuntu LTS 18.04, 20.04, 22.04

  • CentOS 7, 8 Stream, 9 Stream

  • Alma/Rocky Linux 9

  • RHEL 8.x

  • RHEL 9.x

  • Oracle Linux 8.x

  • Redox

  • SuSe Linux

  • Others (the list is constantly widening, contact Wallarm support team to check if your OS is in the list)

Using new clean machine will lead to that at some moment you will have both old and new node, which is good: you can test the new one working properly without stopping the old one.

Step 2: Prepare Wallarm token

To install node, you will need a Wallarm token of the appropriate type. To prepare a token:

  1. Open Wallarm Console → SettingsAPI tokens in the US Cloud or EU Cloud.
  2. Find or create API token with the Deploy source role.
  3. Copy this token.
  1. Open Wallarm Console → Nodes in the US Cloud or EU Cloud.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Create the node of the Wallarm node type and copy the generated token.
    • Use existing node group - copy token using node's menu → Copy token.

Step 3: Download all-in-one Wallarm installer

Wallarm suggests all-in-one installations for the following processors:

  • x86_64

  • ARM64 (beta)

To download all-in-one Wallarm installation script, execute the command:

curl -O
curl -O

Step 4: Run all-in-one Wallarm installer to install postanalytics

To install postanalytics separately with all-in-one installer, use:

# If using the x86_64 version:
sudo env WALLARM_LABELS='group=<GROUP>' sh postanalytics

# If using the ARM64 version:
sudo env WALLARM_LABELS='group=<GROUP>' sh postanalytics

The WALLARM_LABELS variable sets group into which the node will be added (used for logical grouping of nodes in the Wallarm Console UI).

# If using the x86_64 version:
sudo sh postanalytics

# If using the ARM64 version:
sudo sh postanalytics

Step 5: Upgrade the NGINX-Wallarm module on a separate server

Once the postanalytics module is installed on the separate server, upgrade its related NGINX-Wallarm module running on a different server.

Step 6: Re-connect the NGINX-Wallarm module to the postanalytics module

On the machine with the NGINX-Wallarm module, in the NGINX configuration file, specify the postanalytics module server address:

upstream wallarm_tarantool {
    server <ip1>:3313 max_fails=0 fail_timeout=0 max_conns=1;
    server <ip2>:3313 max_fails=0 fail_timeout=0 max_conns=1;

    keepalive 2;

    # omitted

wallarm_tarantool_upstream wallarm_tarantool;
  • max_conns value must be specified for each of the upstream Tarantool servers to prevent the creation of excessive connections.

  • keepalive value must not be lower than the number of the Tarantool servers.

  • The # wallarm_tarantool_upstream wallarm_tarantool; string is commented by default - please delete #.

Once the configuration file changed, restart NGINX/NGINX Plus on the NGINX-Wallarm module server:

sudo systemctl restart nginx
sudo service nginx restart
sudo systemctl restart nginx
sudo systemctl restart nginx
sudo systemctl restart nginx

Step 7: Check the NGINX‑Wallarm and separate postanalytics modules interaction

To check the NGINX‑Wallarm and separate postanalytics modules interaction, you can send the request with test attack to the address of the protected application:

curl http://localhost/etc/passwd

If the NGINX‑Wallarm and separate postanalytics modules are configured properly, the attack will be uploaded to the Wallarm Cloud and displayed in the Attacks section of Wallarm Console:

Attacks in the interface

If the attack was not uploaded to the Cloud, please check that there are no errors in the services operation:

  • Analyze the postanalytics module logs

    sudo cat /opt/wallarm/var/log/wallarm/tarantool-out.log

    If there is the record like SystemError binary: failed to bind: Cannot assign requested address, make sure that the server accepts connection on specified address and port.

  • On the server with the NGINX‑Wallarm module, analyze the NGINX logs:

    sudo cat /var/log/nginx/error.log

    If there is the record like [error] wallarm: <address> connect() failed, make sure that the address of separate postanalytics module is specified correctly in the NGINX‑Wallarm module configuration files and separate postanalytics server accepts connection on specified address and port.

  • On the server with the NGINX‑Wallarm module, get the statistics on processed requests using the command below and make sure that the value of tnt_errors is 0


    Description of all parameters returned by the statistics service →

Step 8: Remove old postanalytics module

  1. Delete old postanalytics module in Wallarm Console → Nodes by selecting your postanalytics module node and clicking Delete.

  2. Confirm the action.

    When the postanalytics module node is deleted from Cloud, it will stop participation in filtration of requests to your applications. Deleting cannot be undone. The postanalytics module node will be deleted from the list of nodes permanently.

  3. Delete machine with the old postanalytics module or just clean it from Wallarm postanalytics module components:

    sudo apt remove wallarm-node-tarantool
    sudo apt remove wallarm-node-tarantool
    sudo yum remove wallarm-node-tarantool
    sudo yum remove wallarm-node-tarantool
    sudo yum remove wallarm-node-tarantool