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Integration of FAST with CircleCI

The integration of FAST in CI MODE into the CircleCI workflow is configured via the ~/.circleci/config.yml file. More details about CircleCI workflow configuration are available in the CircleCI official documentation.

Passing FAST Node Token

To securely use the FAST node token, pass its value in the environment variable in your project settings.

Passing CircleCI environment variable

Configured workflow

Further instructions require already configured workflow that corresponds to one of the following points:

Adding the Step of Request Recording

To implement the request recording, apply the following settings to the step of automated application testing:

  1. Add the command running FAST Docker container in the CI_MODE=recording mode with other required variables before the command running automated tests. For example:

    docker run --name fast -d -e WALLARM_API_TOKEN=$WALLARM_API_TOKEN -e CI_MODE=recording -e -e ALLOWED_HOSTS=app-test -p 8080:8080 --network my-network --rm wallarm/fast
  2. Configure proxying of automated tests via FAST node. For example:

    docker run --rm -d --name selenium -e http_proxy='http://fast:8080' --network my-network selenium/standalone-firefox:latest

Docker Network

Before recording requests, make sure the FAST node and tool for automated testing are running on the same network.

Example of the automated testing step with running FAST node in the recording mode
- run:
      name: Start tests & FAST record
      command: |
        docker network create my-network \
        && docker run --rm  --name fast -d -e WALLARM_API_TOKEN=$WALLARM_API_TOKEN -e CI_MODE=recording -e -p 8080:8080 --network my-network wallarm/fast \
        && docker run --rm -d --name selenium -p 4444:4444 -e http_proxy='http://fast:8080' -e https_proxy='https://fast:8080' --network my-network selenium/standalone-firefox:latest \
        && docker run --rm --name app-test --network my-network -e CAPYBARA_SERVER_HOST=app-test -p 3000:3000 test-application bundle exec rspec spec/features/posts_spec.rb \
        && docker stop selenium fast 

An example includes the following steps:

  1. Create the Docker network my-network.
  2. Run the FAST node in the recording mode on the network my-network.
  3. Run the tool for automated testing Selenium with FAST node as a proxy on the network my-network.
  4. Run the test application and automated tests on the network my-network.
  5. Stop the tool for automated testing Selenium and FAST node in the recording mode.

Adding the Step of Security Testing

To implement the security testing, add the corresponding separate step to your workflow following these instructions:

  1. If the test application is not running, add the command to run the application.

  2. Add the command running FAST Docker container in the CI_MODE=testing mode with other required variables after the command running the application.

    Using the recorded set of baseline requests

    If the set of baseline requests was recorded in another pipeline, specify the record ID in the TEST_RECORD_ID variable. Otherwise, the last recorded set will be used.

    Example of the command:

    docker run --name fast -e WALLARM_API_TOKEN=$WALLARM_API_TOKEN -e CI_MODE=testing -e -p 8080:8080 -e TEST_RUN_URI=http://app-test:3000 --network my-network --rm wallarm/fast

Docker Network

Before security testing, make sure the FAST node and test application are running on the same network.

Example of the security testing step
- run:
    name: Start FAST tests
    command: |
      docker run --rm -d --name app-test --network my-network -e CAPYBARA_SERVER_HOST=app-test -p 3000:3000 test-application \
      && docker run --name fast -e WALLARM_API_TOKEN=$WALLARM_API_TOKEN -e CI_MODE=testing -e -p 8080:8080 --network my-network -e TEST_RUN_URI="http://app-test:3000" --rm wallarm/fast \
      && docker stop app-test

An example includes the following steps:

  1. Run the test application on the my-network network.
  2. Run the FAST node in the testing mode on the network my-network. The TEST_RECORD_ID variable is omitted since the set of baseline requests was created in the current pipeline and is the last recorded. The FAST node will be stopped automatically when testing is finished.
  3. Stop the test application.

Getting the Result of Testing

The result of security testing will be displayed in CircleCI interface.

The result of running FAST node in testing mode

More Examples

You can find examples of integrating FAST to CircleCI workflow in our GitHub and CircleCI.

Further questions

If you have questions related to FAST integration, please contact us.