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Checking the filtering node operation

If everything is configured correctly, Wallarm filters the requests and proxies the filtered requests in accordance with the configuration file settings.

To check the correct operation, you must:

  1. Execute the wallarm-status request.

  2. Run a test attack.

1. Execute the wallarm-status request

You can get filtering node operation statistics by requesting the /wallarm-status URL.

Run the command:


The output will be like:

{ "requests":0,"attacks":0,"blocked":0,"abnormal":0,"tnt_errors":0,"api_errors":0,
"requests_lost":0,"segfaults":0,"memfaults":0, "softmemfaults":0,"time_detect":0,"db_id":46,
"custom_ruleset_id":16767,"proton_instances": { "total":1,"success":1,"fallback":0,"failed":0 },
"stalled_workers_count":0,"stalled_workers":[] }

This means that the filtering node statistics service is running and working properly.

The statistics service

You can read more about the statistics service and how to configure it here.

2. Run a test attack

To check if Wallarm correctly detects attacks, send a malicious request to the protected resource.

For example:


Wallarm must detect in the request Path Traversal.

Now the counter of the number of attacks will increase when a request for wallarm-status is executed, which means that the filtering node is operating normally.

To learn more about the Wallarm filtering node settings, see the Configuration options chapter.