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Configuration options for the NGINX‑based Wallarm node

Learn fine-tuning options available for the Wallarm NGINX modules to get the most out of the Wallarm solution.

NGINX official documentation

The Wallarm configuration is very similar to the NGINX configuration. See the official NGINX documentation. Along with the Wallarm specific configuration options, you have the full capabilities of the NGINX configuration.

Wallarm directives


Allows disabling analysis of requests origins. If disabled (on), the filtering node does not download IP lists from the Wallarm Cloud and skips request source IPs analysis.


This parameter can be set inside the http, server, and location blocks.

Default value is off.


The directive forces the NGINX-based Wallarm node to block requests originating from denylisted IPs at the NGINX access phase which means:

  • With wallarm_acl_access_phase on, the Wallarm node immediately blocks any requests from denylisted IPs in any filtration mode (except off) and does not search attack signs in requests from denylisted IPs.

    This is the default and recommended value since it makes denylists to work standardly and significantly reduces the load of the CPU of the node.

  • With wallarm_acl_access_phase off, the Wallarm node analyzes requests for attack signs first and then if operating in the block or safe_blocking mode blocks requests originating from denylisted IPs.

    In the monitoring filtration mode, the node searches for attack signs in all requests but never block them even if the source IP is denylisted.

    The Wallarm node behavior with wallarm_acl_access_phase off significantly increases the load of the CPU of the node.

Default value and interaction with other directives

Default value: on (starting from Wallarm node 4.2)

The directive can be set only inside the http block of the NGINX configuration file.

  • With wallarm mode off or disable_acl on, IP lists are not processed and enabling wallarm_acl_access_phase does not make sense.
  • The wallarm_acl_access_phase directive has priority over wallarm_mode which results in blocking requests from denylisted IPs even if the filtering node mode is monitoring (with wallarm_acl_access_phase on).


The directive enables on / disables off sending statistics about the requests from the denylisted IPs from node to the Cloud.

  • With wallarm_acl_export_enable on the statistics on the requests from the denylisted IPs will be displayed in the Attacks section.

  • With wallarm_acl_export_enable off the statistics on the requests from the denylisted IPs will not be displayed.


This parameter is set inside the http block.

Default value: on


A path to the node.yaml file, which contains access requirements for the Wallarm API.


wallarm_api_conf /etc/wallarm/node.yaml

# Docker NGINX-based image, cloud image and all-in-one installer installations
# wallarm_api_conf /opt/wallarm/etc/wallarm/node.yaml

Used to upload serialized requests from the filtering node directly to the Wallarm API (Cloud) instead of uploading into the postanalytics module (Tarantool).

Only requests with attacks are sent to the API. Requests without attacks are not saved.

Example of the node.yaml file content:

# API connection credentials

hostname: <some name>
uuid: <some uuid>
secret: <some secret>

# API connection parameters (the parameters below are used by default)

  port: 443
  ca_verify: true


Unique identifier of the protected application to be used in the Wallarm Cloud. The value can be a positive integer except for 0.

Unique identifiers can be set for both the application domains and the domain paths, for example:

Configuration file for the domain

server {
    listen 80 default_server;
    listen [::]:80 default_server ipv6only=on;
    listen 443 ssl;


    wallarm_mode monitoring;
    wallarm_application 1;
    location / {
            include proxy_params;

Configuration file for the domain

server {
    listen 80 default_server;
    listen [::]:80 default_server ipv6only=on;
    listen 443 ssl;


    wallarm_mode monitoring;
    wallarm_application 2;
    location / {
            include proxy_params;
server {
    listen 80 default_server;
    listen [::]:80 default_server ipv6only=on;
    listen 443 ssl;


    wallarm_mode monitoring;
    location /login {
            include proxy_params;
            wallarm_application 3;

    location /users {
            include proxy_params;
            wallarm_application 4;

More details on setting up applications →


This parameter can be set inside the http, server, and location blocks.

Default value: -1.


Lets you set up the response to the blocked request.

More details on the blocking page and error code configuration →


This parameter can be set inside the http, server, and location blocks.


This directive is used to initialize the blocking page that has NGINX variables in its code and the path to this blocking page is also set using a variable. Otherwise, the directive is not used.

More details on the blocking page and error code configuration →


The directive can be set inside the http block of the NGINX configuration file.


A directory in which the backup catalog for the proton.db and custom ruleset file copy storage is created when the server starts. This directory must be writable for the client that runs NGINX.


This parameter is configured inside the http block only.


A path to the custom ruleset file that contains information on the protected application and the filtering node settings.


This parameter can be set inside the http, server, and location blocks.

Default value:

  • /opt/wallarm/etc/wallarm/custom_ruleset for Docker NGINX-based image, cloud image and all-in-one installer installations
  • /etc/wallarm/custom_ruleset for other installation artifacts


The directive enables on / disables off API Specification Enforcement, available from release 4.10 onwards. Please note that activating this feature does not substitute for the required subscription and configuration through the Wallarm Console UI.


This parameter can be set inside the server blocks.

Default value: on.


Enables/disables additional validation of the SQL Injection attacks via the libdetection library. Using libdetection ensures the double‑detection of attacks and reduces the number of false positives.

Analyzing of requests with the libdetection library is enabled by default in all deployment options. To reduce the number of false positives, we recommend analysis to stay enabled.

More details on libdetection

Memory consumption increase

When analyzing attacks using the libdetection library, the amount of memory consumed by NGINX and Wallarm processes may increase by about 10%.


This parameter can be set inside the http, server, and location blocks.

Default value is on for all deployment options.


With the value set to on, NGINX has the ability to enter an emergency mode; if proton.db or custom ruleset cannot be downloaded, this setting disables the Wallarm module for the http, server, and location blocks, for which the data fails to download. NGINX keeps functioning.


Default value is on.

This parameter can be set inside the http, server, and location blocks.


Defines an interval between checking new data in proton.db and custom ruleset file. The unit of measure is specified in the suffix as follows:

  • no suffix for minutes

  • s for seconds

  • ms for milliseconds


This parameter is configured only inside the http block.

Default value: 1 (one minute)


Sets the requests' analysis and custom rules generation based on the NGINX mirrored traffic. See Analyzing mirrored traffic with NGINX.


Set a limit for the maximum amount of memory that can be used by one instance of proton.db and custom ruleset.

If the memory limit is exceeded while processing some request, the user will get a 500 error.

The following suffixes can be used in this parameter:

  • k or K for kilobytes

  • m or M for megabytes

  • g or G for gigabyte

Value of 0 turns the limit off.


This parameter can be set inside the http, server, and/or location blocks.

Default value: 1 GB


The directive is deprecated

Starting with Wallarm node 3.6, please use the wallarm_protondb_path directive instead. Just change the directive name, its logic did not change.


This directive sets the maximum allowed length of an HTTP/2 stream in bytes. When half of the specified value is reached, an HTTP/2 GOAWAY frame is sent to the client to facilitate graceful stream termination. If the stream is not closed and the maximum length is reached, the connection is forcefully terminated by NGINX.

If this option is not configured, stream lengths remain unlimited, potentially causing unbounded memory consumption by the NGINX process, particularly in gRPC environments with long-lived connections.


This parameter can be set within the http, server, and location blocks.

The directive does not have a default value, there are no limits on the length of HTTP/2 streams by default.


The directive is deprecated

  • If the directive was used to set unique identifier of the protected application, just rename it to wallarm_application.
  • To set unique identifier of the tenant for the multi-tenant nodes, instead of the wallarm_instance, use the wallarm_partner_client_uuid directive.

When updating configuration you used for your filtering node of the version before 4.0:

  • If you upgrade filtering node without multitenancy feature and have any wallarm_instance used to set unique identifier of the protected application, just rename it to wallarm_application.
  • If you upgrade filtering node with multitenancy feature, consider all wallarm_instance to be wallarm_application, then rewrite the configuration as described in the multitenancy reconfiguration instruction.


A path to the Wallarm private key used for encryption/decryption of proton.db and custom ruleset files.


Default value:

  • /opt/wallarm/etc/wallarm/private.key for Docker NGINX-based image, cloud image and all-in-one installer installations
  • /etc/wallarm/private.key for other installation artifacts


The directive is deprecated

Starting with Wallarm node 3.6, please use the wallarm_custom_ruleset_path directive instead. Just change the directive name, its logic did not change.


This directive determines whether the Wallarm NGINX module generates the /tmp/proton_last_memlimit.req file containing request details when a memory limit is exceeded. This can be invaluable for debugging issues related to request memory limit processing.


This parameter can be set within the http, server, and location blocks.

Default value: on.


Traffic processing mode:

  • off

  • monitoring

  • safe_blocking

  • block

Wallarm node behavior off monitoring safe_blocking block
Analyzes whether incoming requests contain malicious payloads of the following types: input validation attacks, vpatch attacks, or attacks detected based on regular expressions - + + +
Uploads malicious requests to the Wallarm Cloud so that they are displayed in the event list - + + +
Blocks malicious requests - - Only those originated from graylisted IPs +
Blocks requests originated from denylisted IPssee exception
(IPs added manually and automatically by multi-attack protection and behavioral protection: API abuse prevention, manual BOLA, brute force and forced browsing)
- + + +
Blocks requests originated from graylisted IPs
(IPs added manually and automatically by the same protection measures as for denylist)
- - Only those containing malicious payloads -
Allows requests originated from allowlisted IPs - + + +

Exception for denylist

If wallarm_acl_access_phase off, the Wallarm node does not block requests from denylisted IPs in the monitoring mode.

Usage of wallarm_mode can be restricted by the wallarm_mode_allow_override directive.

Detailed instructions on filtration mode configuration →


This parameter can be set inside the http, server, and location blocks.

Default value depends on the filtering node deployment method (can be off or monitoring)


Manages the ability to override the wallarm_mode values via filtering rules downloaded from the Wallarm Cloud (custom ruleset):

  • off - the custom rules are ignored.
  • strict - custom rules can only strengthen the operation mode.
  • on - it is possible to both strengthen and soften the operation mode.

For example, with wallarm_mode monitoring and wallarm_mode_allow_override strict set, Wallarm Console can be used to enable blocking of some requests, but the attack analysis cannot be fully disabled.

Detailed instructions on filtration mode configuration →


This parameter can be set inside the http, server, and location blocks.

Default value: on


Whether to analyze the application responses. Response analysis is required for vulnerability detection during passive detection and active threat verification.

Possible values are on (response analysis is enabled) and off (response analysis is disabled).


This parameter can be set inside http, server, and location blocks.

Default value: on

Improve performance

You are recommended to disable processing of static files through location to improve performance.


Wallarm provides full WebSockets support under the API Security subscription plan. By default, the WebSockets' messages are not analyzed for attacks.

To force the feature, activate the API Security subscription plan and use the wallarm_parse_websocket directive.

Possible values:

  • on: message analysis is enabled.
  • off: message analysis is disabled.


This parameter can be set inside the http, server, and location blocks.

Default value: off


Allows to disable parsers. The directive values corresponds to the name of the parser to be disabled:

  • cookie
  • zlib
  • htmljs
  • json
  • multipart
  • base64
  • percent
  • urlenc
  • xml
  • jwt


wallarm_parser_disable base64;
wallarm_parser_disable xml;
location /ab {
    wallarm_parser_disable json;
    wallarm_parser_disable base64;
location /zy {
    wallarm_parser_disable json;


This parameter can be set inside the http, server, and location blocks.


Whether to apply the HTML parsers to HTML code received in the application response. Possible values are on (HTML parser is applied) and off (HTML parser is not applied).

This parameter is effective only if wallarm_parse_response on.


This parameter can be set inside the http, server, and location blocks.

Default value: on


Unique identifier of the tenant for the multi-tenant Wallarm node. The value should be a string in the UUID format, for example:

  • 11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111

  • 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000


This parameter can be set inside the http, server, and location blocks.

Know how to:

Configuration example:

server {
  wallarm_partner_client_uuid 11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111;
  location /login {
     wallarm_application 21;
  location /users {
     wallarm_application 22;

server {
  wallarm_partner_client_uuid 11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111;
  wallarm_application 23;

server {
  wallarm_partner_client_uuid 22222222-2222-2222-2222-222222222222;

In the configuration above:

  • Tenant stands for partner's client. The partner has 2 clients.

  • The traffic targeting and will be associated with the client 11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111.

  • The traffic targeting will be associated with the client 22222222-2222-2222-2222-222222222222.

  • The first client also has 3 applications, specified via the wallarm_application directive:

    • 21
    • 22
    • tenant1-1.comwallarm_application 23

    The traffic targeting these 3 paths will be associated with the corresponding application, the remaining will be the generic traffic of the first client.


The directive has been deprecated

Starting from the version 3.6, it is recommended to fine-tune the overlimit_res attack detection using the rule Fine‑tune the overlimit_res attack detection.

The wallarm_process_time_limit directive is temporarily supported but will be removed in future releases.

Sets the time limit of a single request processing by the Wallarm node.

If the time exceeds the limit, an error is recorded into the log and the request is marked as the overlimit_res attack. Depending on the wallarm_process_time_limit_block value, the attack can be either blocked, monitored or ignored.

The value is specified in milliseconds without units, e.g.:

wallarm_process_time_limit 1200; # 1200 milliseconds
wallarm_process_time_limit 2000; # 2000 milliseconds


This parameter can be set inside the http, server, and location blocks.

Default value: 1000ms (one second).


The directive has been deprecated

Starting from the version 3.6, it is recommended to fine-tune the overlimit_res attack detection using the rule Fine‑tune the overlimit_res attack detection.

The wallarm_process_time_limit_block directive is temporarily supported but will be removed in future releases.

The ability to manage the blocking of requests, which exceed the time limit set in the wallarm_process_time_limit directive:

  • on: the requests are always blocked unless wallarm_mode off
  • off: the requests are always ignored

    Protection bypass risk

    The off value should be used carefully as this value disables protection from the overlimit_res attacks.

    It is recommended to use the off value only in the strictly specific locations where it is really necessary, for example where the upload of the large files is performed, and where there is no risk of protection bypass and vulnerability exploit.

    It is strongly not recommended to set wallarm_process_time_limit_block to off globally for http or server blocks.

  • attack: depends on the attack blocking mode set in the wallarm_mode directive:

    • off: the requests are not processed.
    • monitoring: the requests are ignored but details on the overlimit_res attacks are uploaded to the Wallarm Cloud and displayed in Wallarm Console.
    • safe_blocking: only requests originated from graylisted IP addresses are blocked and details on all overlimit_res attacks are uploaded to the Wallarm Cloud and displayed in Wallarm Console.
    • block: the requests are blocked.

Regardless of the directive value, requests of the overlimit_res attack type are uploaded to the Wallarm Cloud except when wallarm_mode off;.


This parameter can be set inside the http, server, and location blocks.

Default value: wallarm_process_time_limit_block attack


Settings for the debug logging of the NGINX master process.

Using the directive

You need to configure the directive only if you are told to do so by the Wallarm support team member. They will provide you with the value to use with the directive.


The parameter can only be configured at the main level.


Settings of the debug logging for a NGINX worker process.

Using the directive

You need to configure the directive only if you are told to do so by the Wallarm support team member. They will provide you with the value to use with the directive.


The parameter can only be configured at the main level.


A path to the proton.db file that has the global settings for request filtering, which do not depend on the application structure.


This parameter can be set inside the http, server, and location blocks.

Default value:

  • /opt/wallarm/etc/wallarm/proton.db for Docker NGINX-based image, cloud image and all-in-one installer installations
  • /etc/wallarm/proton.db for other installation artifacts


Sets the rate limiting configuration in the following format:

wallarm_rate_limit <KEY_TO_MEASURE_LIMITS_FOR> rate=<RATE> burst=<BURST> delay=<DELAY>;
  • KEY_TO_MEASURE_LIMITS_FOR - a key that you want to measure limits for. Can contain text, NGINX variables and their combination.

    For example: "$remote_addr +login" to limit requests originating from the same IP and targeted at the /login endpoint.

  • rate=<RATE> (required) - rate limit, can be rate=<number>r/s or rate=<number>r/m.

  • burst=<BURST> (optional) - maximum number of excessive requests to be buffered once the specified RPS/RPM is exceeded and to be processed once the rate is back to normal. 0 by default.

  • delay=<DELAY> - if the <BURST> value is different from 0, you can control whether to keep the defined RPS/RPM between buffered excessive requests execution. nodelay points to simultaneous processing of all buffered excessive requests, without the rate limit delay. Numeric value implies simultaneous processing of the specified number of excessive requests, others are processed with delay set in RPS/RPM.


wallarm_rate_limit "$remote_addr +location_name" rate=10r/s burst=9 delay=5;


Default value: none.

This parameter can be set inside the http, server, location contexts.

If you set the rate limiting rule, the wallarm_rate_limit directive has a lower priority.


Enables/disables Wallarm rate limiting.

If off, neither the rate limiting rule (recommended) nor the wallarm_rate_limit directive work.


Default value: on but Wallarm rate limiting does not work without either the rate limiting rule (recommended) or the wallarm_rate_limit directive configured.

This parameter can be set inside the http, server, location contexts.


The level for logging the requests rejected by the rate limting control. Can be: info, notice, warn, error.


Default value: error.

This parameter can be set inside the http, server, location contexts.


Code to return in response to the requests rejected by the Wallarm rate limiting module.


Default value: 503.

This parameter can be set inside the http, server, location contexts.


Sets the maximum amount of shared memory that the Wallarm rate limiting module can consume.

With an average key length of 64 bytes (characters), and wallarm_rate_limit_shm_size of 64MB, the module can handle approximately 130,000 unique keys simultaneously. Increasing the memory by two doubles the module's capacity in a linear fashion.

A key is a unique value of a request point that the module uses to measure limits. For instance, if the module is limiting connections based on IP addresses, each unique IP address is considered a single key. With the default directive value, the module can process requests originating from ~130,000 different IPs simultaneously.


Default value: 64m (64 MB).

This parameter can be set inside the http context only.


Limits the size of the part of the request that is processed during one iteration. You can set up a custom value of the wallarm_request_chunk_size directive in bytes by assigning an integer to it. The directive also supports the following postfixes:

  • k or K for kilobytes

  • m or M for megabytes

  • g or G for gigabytes


This parameter can be set inside the http, server, and location blocks.
Default value: 8k (8 kilobytes).


Set a limit for the maximum amount of memory that can be used for processing of a single request.

If the limit is exceeded, the request processing will be interrupted and a user will get a 500 error.

The following suffixes can be used in this parameter:

  • k or K for kilobytes

  • m or M for megabytes

  • g or G for gigabytes

Value of 0 turns the limit off.

By default, limits are off.


This parameter can be set inside the http, server, and/or location blocks.


Specifies the path to the configuration file for API Specification Enforcement. This file is included with all deployment artifacts by default, and usually no changes are needed.

However, if you use an NGINX-based Docker image with a custom nginx.conf, you must specify this directive and place the file at the specified path.

The directive is available from release 4.10.7 onwards.


The parameter is configured inside the http block only.

Default value: /etc/nginx/wallarm-apifw-loc.conf;.


Sets the time limit for processing a single request for an NGINX worker in seconds.

If the time exceeds the limit, data about NGINX workers is written to the stalled_workers_count and stalled_workers statistic parameters.


This parameter can be set inside the http, server, and location blocks.

Default value: 5 (five seconds)


Controls the Wallarm statistics service operation.

The directive value has the following format:

wallarm_status [on|off] [format=json|prometheus];

It is highly recommended to configure the statistics service in its own file, avoiding the wallarm_status directive in other NGINX setup files, because the latter may be insecure. The configuration file for wallarm-status is located at:

  • /etc/nginx/wallarm-status.conf for all-in-one installer

  • /etc/nginx/conf.d/wallarm-status.conf for other installations

Also, it is strongly advised not to alter any of the existing lines of the default wallarm-status configuration as it may corrupt the process of metric data upload to the Wallarm cloud.


The directive can be configured in the NGINX context of server and/or location.

The format parameter has the json value by default.


With the wallarm_tarantool_upstream, you can balance the requests between several postanalytics servers.


upstream wallarm_tarantool {
    server max_fails=0 fail_timeout=0 max_conns=1;
    keepalive 1;

# omitted

wallarm_tarantool_upstream wallarm_tarantool;

See also Module ngx_http_upstream_module.

Required conditions

It is required that the following conditions are satisfied for the max_conns and the keepalive parameters:

  • The value of the keepalive parameter must not be lower than the number of the Tarantool servers.
  • The value of the max_conns parameter must be specified for each of the upstream Tarantool servers to prevent the creation of excessive connections.


The parameter is configured inside the http block only.


A limit on the time that a filtering node spends on one iteration of processing a request before it switches to the next request. Upon reaching the time limit, the filtering node proceeds to process the next request in the queue. After performing one iteration on each of the requests in the queue, the node performs the second iteration of processing on the first request in the queue.

You can use time intervals suffixes that are described in the NGINX documentation to assign different time unit values to the directive.


This parameter can be set inside the http, server, and location blocks.
Default value: 0 (time limit for single iteration is disabled).


Due to NGINX server limitations, it is necessary to disable the buffering request by assigning the off value to the proxy_request_buffering NGINX directive for the wallarm_timeslice directive to work.


The directive is deprecated

Starting with Wallarm node 4.0, please use the wallarm_general_ruleset_memory_limit directive instead. Just change the directive name, its logic did not change.


Whether to decompress compressed data returned in the application response. Possible values are on (decompression is enabled) and off (decompression is disabled).

This parameter is effective only if wallarm_parse_response on.


Default value: on.


A method for sending serialized requests. Requests can be sent either to Tarantool or to the API.

Possible values of the directive:

  • tarantool

  • api

Depending on the other directives, the default value will be assigned as follows:

  • tarantool - if there is no wallarm_api_conf directive in the configuration.

  • api - if there is a wallarm_api_conf directive, but there is no wallarm_tarantool_upstream directive in the configuration.


    If the wallarm_api_conf and wallarm_tarantool_upstream directives are present simultaneously in the configuration, a configuration error of the directive ambiguous wallarm upstream backend form will occur.


This parameter can be set inside the http block only.


Defines the number of immediate reconnects to the Tarantool or Wallarm API.
If a connection to the Tarantool or API is terminated, then the attempt to reconnect will not occur. However, this is not the case when there aren't anymore connections and the serialized request queue is not empty.


Reconnection may occur through another server, because the “upstream” subsystem is responsible for choosing the server.

This parameter can be set inside the http block only.


Defines the interval between attempts to reconnect to the Tarantool or Wallarm API after the number of unsuccessful attempts has exceeded the wallarm_upstream_connect_attempts threshold.


This parameter can be set inside the http block only.


Defines a timeout for connecting to the Tarantool or Wallarm API.


This parameter can be set inside the http block only.


Defines a limit to the number of serialized requests.
Simultaneously setting the wallarm_upstream_queue_limit parameter and not setting the wallarm_upstream_queue_memory_limit parameter means that there will be no limit on the latter.


This parameter can be set inside the http block only.


Defines a limit to the total volume of serialized requests.
Simultaneously setting the wallarm_upstream_queue_memory_limit parameter and not setting the wallarm_upstream_queue_limit parameter means that there will be no limit on the latter.


Default value: 100m.

This parameter can be set inside the http block only.