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Attack Detection Procedure

The Wallarm platform continuously analyzes application traffic and mitigates malicious requests in real-time. From this article, you will learn resource types Wallarm protects from attacks, methods of detecting attacks in traffic and how you can track and manage detected threats.

What is attack and what are attack components?

Attack is a single hit or multiple hits grouped by the following characteristics:

  • The same attack type, the parameter with the malicious payload, and the address the hits were sent to. Hits may come from the same or different IP addresses and have different values of the malicious payloads within one attack type.

    This hit grouping method is basic and applied to all hits.

  • The same source IP address if grouping of hits by source IP is enabled. Other hit parameter values can differ.

    This hit grouping method works for all hits except for the ones of the Brute force, Forced browsing, BOLA (IDOR), Resource overlimit, Data bomb and Virtual patch attack types.

    If hits are grouped by this method, the Mark as false positive button and the active verification option are unavailable for the attack.

The listed hit grouping methods do not exclude each other. If hits have characteristics of both methods, they are all grouped into one attack.

Hit is a serialized malicious request (original malicious request and metadata added by the Wallarm node). If Wallarm detects several malicious payloads of different types in one request, Wallarm records several hits with payloads of one type in each.

Malicious payload is a part of an original request containing the following elements:

  • Attack signs detected in a request. If several attack signs characterizing the same attack type are detected in a request, only the first sign will be recorded to a payload.

  • Context of the attack sign. Context is a set of symbols preceding and closing detected attack signs. Since a payload length is limited, the context can be omitted if an attack sign is of full payload length.

    Since attack signs are not used to detect behavioral attacks, requests sent as a part of behavioral attacks have empty payloads.

Learn how to analyze attacks in Wallarm →

Types of protected resources

Wallarm nodes analyze HTTP and WebSocket traffic sent to the protected resources:

Protected resource API can be designed on the basis of the following technologies (limited under the WAAP subscription plan):

  • GraphQL

  • gRPC

  • WebSocket


  • SOAP


  • WebDAV


Attack detection process

To detect attacks, Wallarm uses the following process:

  1. Determine the request format and parse every request part.

  2. Determine the endpoint the request is addressed to.

  3. Apply custom rules for request analysis configured in Wallarm Console.

  4. Make a decision whether the request is malicious or not based on default and custom rules.

Attack types

The Wallarm solution protects APIs, microservices and web applications from the OWASP Top 10 and OWASP API Top 10 threats, API abuse and other automated threats.

Technically, all attacks that can be detected by Wallarm are divided into groups:

  • Input validation attacks

  • Behavioral attacks

Attack detection method depends on the attack group. To detect behavioral attacks, additional Wallarm node configuration is required.

Input validation attacks

Input validation attacks include SQL injection, cross‑site scripting, remote code execution, Path Traversal and other attack types. Each attack type is characterized by specific symbol combinations sent in the requests. To detect input validation attacks, it is required to conduct syntax analysis of the requests - parse them in order to detect specific symbol combinations.

Wallarm detects input validation attacks in any request part including binary files like SVG, JPEG, PNG, GIF, PDF, etc using the listed tools.

Detection of input validation attacks is enabled for all clients by default.

Behavioral attacks

Behavioral attacks include the following attack classes:

  • Brute‑force attacks include password brute‑forcing, session identifier brute‑forcing, credential stuffing. These attacks are characterized by a large number of requests with different forced parameter values sent to a typical URI for a limited timeframe.

    For example, if an attacker forces password, many similar requests with different password values can be sent to the user authentication URL:
  • Forced browsing attacks are characterized by a large number of response codes 404 returned to requests to different URIs for a limited timeframe.

    For example, the aim of this attack could to enumerate and access hidden resources (e.g. directories and files containing information on application components) to use this information for performing other attack types.

  • The BOLA (IDOR) attacks exploiting the vulnerability of the same name. This vulnerability allows an attacker to access an object by its identifier via an API request and either get or modify its data bypassing an authorization mechanism.

    For example, if an attacker forces shop identifiers to find a real identifier and get the corresponding shop financial data:{shop_id}/financial_info

    If authorization is not required for such API requests, an attacker can get the real financial data and use it for their own purposes.


To detect behavioral attacks, it is required to conduct syntax analysis of requests and correlation analysis of request number and time between requests.

Correlation analysis is conducted when the threshold of request number sent to user authentication or resource file directory or a specific object URL is exceeded. Request number threshold should be set to reduce the risk of legitimate request blocking (for example, when the user inputs incorrect password to his account several times).

  • Correlation analysis is conducted by the Wallarm postanalytics module.

  • Comparison of the received request number and the threshold for the request number, and blocking of requests is conducted in the Wallarm Cloud.

When behavioral attack is detected, request sources are blocked, namely the IP addresses the requests were sent from are added to the denylist.


To protect the resource against behavioral attacks, it is required to set the threshold for correlation analysis and URLs that are vulnerable to behavioral attacks:

Tools for attack detection

To detect malicious requests, Wallarm nodes analyze all requests sent to the protected resource using the following tools:

  • Library libproton
  • Library libdetection

  • Custom rules for request analysis

Library libproton

The libproton library is a primary tool for detecting malicious requests. The library uses the component proton.db which determines different attack type signs as token sequences, for example: union select for the SQL injection attack type. If the request contains a token sequence matching the sequence from proton.db, this request is considered to be an attack of the corresponding type.

Wallarm regularly updates proton.db with token sequences for new attack types and for already described attack types.

Library libdetection

libdetection overview

The libdetection library additionally validates attacks detected by the library libproton as follows:

  • If libdetection confirms the attack signs detected by libproton, the attack is blocked (if the filtering node is working in the block mode) and uploaded to the Wallarm Cloud.

  • If libdetection does not confirm the attack signs detected by libproton, the request is considered legitimate, the attack is not uploaded to the Wallarm Cloud and is not blocked (if the filtering node is working in the block mode).

Using libdetection ensures the double‑detection of attacks and reduces the number of false positives.

Attack types validated by the libdetection library

Currently, the library libdetection only validates SQL Injection attacks.

How libdetection works

The particular characteristic of libdetection is that it analyzes requests not only for token sequences specific for attack types, but also for context in which the token sequence was sent.

The library contains the character strings of different attack type syntaxes (SQL Injection for now). The string is named as the context. Example of the context for the SQL injection attack type:

SELECT example FROM table WHERE id=

The library conducts the attack syntax analysis for matching the contexts. If the attack does not match the contexts, then the request will not be defined as a malicious one and will not be blocked (if the filtering node is working in the block mode).

Testing libdetection

To check the operation of libdetection, you can send the following legitimate request to the protected resource:

curl "http://localhost/?id=1' UNION SELECT"
  • The library libproton will detect UNION SELECT as the SQL Injection attack sign. Since UNION SELECT without other commands is not a sign of the SQL Injection attack, libproton detects a false positive.

  • If analyzing of requests with the libdetection library is enabled, the SQL Injection attack sign will not be confirmed in the request. The request will be considered legitimate, the attack will not be uploaded to the Wallarm Cloud and will not be blocked (if the filtering node is working in the block mode).

Managing libdetection mode

libdetection default mode

The default mode of the libdetection library is on/true (enabled) for all deployment options.

You can control the libdetection mode using:

  • The wallarm_enable_libdetection directive for NGINX.

  • The enable_libdetection parameter for Envoy.

  • One of the options for the Wallarm NGINX Ingress controller:

    • The annotation to the Ingress resource.
    • The controller.config.server-snippet parameter of the Helm chart.
  • The wallarm-enable-libdetection pod annotation for the Wallarm Sidecar solution.

  • The libdetection variable for AWS Terraform deployment.

Ignoring certain attack types

The rule Ignore certain attack types allows disabling detection of certain attack types in certain request elements.

By default, the Wallarm node marks the request as an attack if detecting the signs of any attack type in any request element. However, some requests containing attack signs can actually be legitimate (e.g. the body of the request publishing the post on the Database Administrator Forum may contain the malicious SQL command description).

If the Wallarm node marks the standard payload of the request as the malicious one, a false positive occurs. To prevent false positives, standard attack detection rules need to be adjusted using the custom rules of certain types to accommodate protected application specificities. Wallarm provides the Ignore certain attack types rule to do this.

Creating and applying the rule

  1. Proceed to Wallarm Console:

    • RulesAdd rule or your branch → Add rule.
    • Attacks / Incidents → attack/incident → hit → Rule.
    • API Discovery (if enabled) → your endpoint → Create rule.
  2. In If request is, describe the scope to apply the rule to.

  3. In Then, choose Ignore certain attack types and set whether to ignore only the signs of the specific attacks (select them) or signs of all attacks.

  4. In In this part of request, specify request points for which you wish to set the rule.

    All available points are described here, you can choose those matching your particular use case.

  5. Wait for the rule compilation to complete.

Rule example

Let us say when the user confirms the publication of the post on the database administrator forum, the client sends the POST request to the endpoint This request has the following properties:

  • The post content is passed in the request body parameter postBody. The post content may include SQL commands that can be marked by Wallarm as malicious ones.

  • The request body is of the type application/json.

The example of the cURL request containing SQL injection:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"emailAddress":"", "postHeader":"SQL injections", "postBody":"My post describes the following SQL injection: ?id=1%20select%20version();"}'

So you need to ignore SQL injections in the parameter postBody of the requests to

To do so, set the Ignore certain attack types rule as displayed on the screenshot:

Example of the rule "Ignore certain attack types"

Note that options you add to In this part of request should go in a particular order to reflect in which order Wallarm will apply parsers to read the required request element.

Ignoring certain attack signs in the binary data

By default, the Wallarm node analyzes incoming requests for all known attack signs. During the analysis, the Wallarm node may not consider the attack signs to be regular binary symbols and mistakenly detect malicious payloads in the binary data.

Using the Allow binary data and Allow certain file types rules, you can explicitly specify request elements containing binary data. During specified request element analysis, the Wallarm node will ignore the attack signs that can never be passed in the binary data.

  • The Allow binary data rule allows fine-tuning attack detection for request elements containing binary data (e.g. archived or encrypted files).

  • The Allow certain file types rule allows fine-tuning attack detection for request elements containing specific file types (e.g. PDF, JPG).

Creating and applying the rule

  1. Proceed to Wallarm Console:

    • RulesAdd rule or your branch → Add rule.
    • Attacks / Incidents → attack/incident → hit → Rule.
    • API Discovery (if enabled) → your endpoint → Create rule.
  2. In If request is, describe the scope to apply the rule to.

  3. In Then, choose one of the following:

    • Allow binary data
    • Allow certain file types (select one or several file types)
  4. In In this part of request, specify request points in which you wish to set the rule.

    All available points are described here, you can choose those matching your particular use case.

  5. Wait for the rule compilation to complete.

Rule example

Let us say when the user uploads the binary file with the image using the form on the site, the client sends the POST request of the type multipart/form-data to The binary file is passed in the body parameter fileContents and you need to allow this.

To do so, set the Allow binary data rule as displayed on the screenshot::

Example of the rule "Allow binary data"

Note that options you add to In this part of request should go in a particular order to reflect in which order Wallarm will apply parsers to read the required request element.

Monitoring and blocking attacks

Input validation attacks

Wallarm can process the input validation attacks in the following modes:

  • Monitoring mode: detects but does not block attacks.

  • Safe blocking mode: detects attacks but blocks only those originated from graylisted IPs. Legitimate requests originated from graylisted IPs are not blocked.

  • Blocking mode: detects and blocks attacks.

Detailed information about how different filtration modes work and how to configure filtration mode in general and for specific applications, domains or endpoints is available here.

Behavioral attacks

How Wallarm detects the behavioral attacks and acts in case of their detection is defined not by the filtration mode, but by specific configuration of these attack type protection.

False positives

False positive occurs when attack signs are detected in the legitimate request or when legitimate entity is qualified as a vulnerability. More details on false positives in vulnerability scanning →

When analyzing requests for attacks, Wallarm uses the standard ruleset that provides optimal application protection with ultra‑low false positives. Due to protected application specificities, standard rules may mistakenly recognize attack signs in legitimate requests. For example: SQL injection attack may be detected in the request adding a post with malicious SQL query description to the Database Administrator Forum.

In such cases, standard rules need to be adjusted to accommodate protected application specificities by using the following methods:

Identifying and handling false positives is a part of Wallarm fine‑tuning to protect your applications. We recommend to deploy the first Wallarm node in the monitoring mode and analyze detected attacks. If some attacks are mistakenly recognized as attacks, mark them as false positives and switch the filtering node to blocking mode.

Managing detected attacks

All detected attacks are displayed in the Wallarm Console → Attacks section by the filter attacks. You can manage attacks through the interface as follows:

  • View and analyze attacks

  • Increase the priority of an attack in the recheck queue

  • Mark attacks or separate hits as false positives

  • Create the rules for custom processing of separate hits

Attacks view

Attack dashboards

Wallarm provides comprehensive dashboards to help you stay on top of your system's security posture.

Wallarm's Threat Prevention dashboard provides general metrics on your system's security posture, including multi-aspect information about attacks: their sources, targets, types and protocols.

Threat Prevention dashboard

The OWASP API Security Top 10 dashboard provides detailed visibility into your system's security posture against the OWASP API Top 10 threats, including attack information.


Notifications about detected attacks, hits and malicious payloads

Wallarm can send you notifications on detected attacks, hits and malicious payloads. It allows you to be aware of attempts to attack your system and analyze detected malicious traffic promptly. Analyzing malicious traffic includes reporting false positives, allowlisting IPs originating legitimate requests and denylisting IPs of attack sources.

To configure notifications:

  1. Configure native integrations with the systems to send notifications (e.g. PagerDuty, Opsgenie, Splunk, Slack, Telegram).

  2. Set the conditions for sending notifications:

    • To get notifications on each detected hit, select the appropriate option in the integration settings.

      See the example of the notification about detected hit in the JSON format
              "summary": "[Wallarm] New hit detected",
              "details": {
              "client_name": "TestCompany",
              "cloud": "EU",
              "notification_type": "new_hits",
              "hit": {
                  "domain": "",
                  "heur_distance": 0.01111,
                  "method": "POST",
                  "parameter": "SOME_value",
                  "path": "/news/some_path",
                  "payloads": [
                      "say ni"
                  "point": [
                  "probability": 0.01,
                  "remote_country": "PL",
                  "remote_port": 0,
                  "remote_addr4": "",
                  "remote_addr6": "",
                  "tor": "none",
                  "request_time": 1603834606,
                  "create_time": 1603834608,
                  "response_len": 14,
                  "response_status": 200,
                  "response_time": 5,
                  "stamps": [
                  "regex": [],
                  "stamps_hash": -22222,
                  "regex_hash": -33333,
                  "type": "sqli",
                  "block_status": "monitored",
                  "id": [
                  "object_type": "hit",
                  "anomaly": 0
    • To set the threshold of attack, hit or malicious payload number and get notifications when the threshold is exceeded, configure appropriate triggers.

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