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Upgrading the Docker NGINX- or Envoy-based image

These instructions describe the steps to upgrade the running Docker NGINX- or Envoy-based image 3.4 or 3.2 to the version 3.6.

Using credentials of already existing Wallarm node

We do not recommend using the already existing Wallarm node of the previous version. Please follow these instructions to create a new filtering node of the version 3.6 and deploy it as the Docker container.

To upgrade the node 2.18 or lower, please use the different instructions.


  • Access to the account with the Deploy or Administrator role and two‑factor authentication disabled in Wallarm Console in the US Cloud or EU Cloud

  • Access to if working with US Wallarm Cloud or to if working with EU Wallarm Cloud. Please ensure the access is not blocked by a firewall

Step 1: Download the updated filtering node image

docker pull wallarm/node:3.6.2-1
docker pull wallarm/envoy:3.6.1-1

Step 2: Stop the running container


Step 3: Switch from deprecated configuration options

There are the following deprecated configuration options:

  • The following NGINX directives have been renamed:

    We only changed the names of the directives, their logic remains the same. Directives with former names will be deprecated soon, so you are recommended to rename them before.

    Please check if the directives with former names are explicitly specified in the mounted configuration files. If so, rename them.

  • The following Envoy parameters have been renamed:

    We only changed the names of the directives, their logic remains the same. Directives with former names will be deprecated soon, so you are recommended to rename them before.

    Please check if the directives with former names are explicitly specified in the mounted configuration files. If so, rename them.

Step 4: Update the Wallarm blocking page (if upgrading NGINX-based image)

In the new node version, the Wallarm sample blocking page has been changed. The logo and support email on the page are now empty by default.

If your Docker container was configured to return the &/usr/share/nginx/html/wallarm_blocked.html page in response to the blocked requests, transfer this configuration as follows:

  1. Copy and customize the new version of a sample page.

  2. Mount the new customized or previously used page and the NGINX configuration file to a new Docker container in the next step.

Step 5: Transfer the overlimit_res attack detection configuration from directives to the rule

Starting from the version 3.6, you can fine-tune the overlimit_res attack detection using the rule in Wallarm Console.

Earlier, the following options have been used:

The listed directives and parameters are considered to be deprecated with the new rule release and will be deleted in future releases.

If the overlimit_res attack detection settings are customized via the listed parameters, it is recommended to transfer them to the rule as follows:

  1. Open Wallarm Console → Rules and proceed to the Fine-tune the overlimit_res attack detection rule setup.

  2. Configure the rule as done in the mounted configuration files:

    • The rule condition should match the NGINX or Envoy configuration block with the wallarm_process_time_limit and wallarm_process_time_limit_block directives or the process_time_limit and process_time_limit_block parameters specified.
    • The time limit for the node to process a single request (milliseconds): the value of wallarm_process_time_limit or process_time_limit.
    • Request processing: the Stop processing option is recommended.

      Risk of running out of system memory

      The high time limit and/or continuation of request processing after the limit is exceeded can trigger memory exhaustion or out-of-time request processing.

    • Register the overlimit_res attack: the Register and display in the events option is recommended.

      If the wallarm_process_time_limit_block or process_time_limit_block value is off, choose the Do not create attack event option.

    • The rule does not have the explicit equivalent option for the wallarm_process_time_limit_block (process_time_limit_block in Envoy) directive. If the rule sets Register and display in the events, the node will either block or pass the overlimit_res attack depending on the node filtration mode:

      • In the monitoring mode, the node forwards the original request to the application address. The application has the risk to be exploited by the attacks included in both processed and unprocessed request parts.
      • In the safe blocking mode, the node blocks the request if it is originated from the graylisted IP address. Otherwise, the node forwards the original request to the application address. The application has the risk to be exploited by the attacks included in both processed and unprocessed request parts.
      • In the block mode, the node blocks the request.
  3. Delete the wallarm_process_time_limit, wallarm_process_time_limit_block NGINX directives and the process_time_limit, process_time_limit_block Envoy parameters from the mounted configuration file.

    If the overlimit_res attack detection is fine-tuned using both the parameters and the rule, the node will process requests as the rule sets.

Step 6: Run the container using the updated image

Run the container using the updated image. You can pass the same configuration parameters that were passed when running a previous image version except for the ones listed in the previous steps.

There are two options for running the container using the updated image:

Step 7: Test the filtering node operation

  1. Send the request with test SQLI and XSS attacks to the protected resource address:

    curl http://localhost/?id='or+1=1--a-<script>prompt(1)</script>'
  2. Open the Wallarm Console → Attacks section in the US Cloud or EU Cloud and ensure attacks are displayed in the list.
    Attacks in the interface

Step 8: Delete the filtering node of the previous version

If the deployed image of the version 3.6 operates correctly, you can delete the filtering node of the previous version in the Wallarm Console → Nodes section.