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How Wallarm sidecar container works

Wallarm filtering node installs as a sidecar container to the same pod as the main application container. The Wallarm node filters incoming requests and forwards legitimate requests to the application container.

Kubernetes runs the sidecar container alongside the main container image. The sidecar container also shares the same lifecycle as the main application container, being created and retired alongside it.

Traffic flow

Normally, Kubernetes directly exposes a Service object with the ClusterIP or NodePort type to the Internet or other Kubernetes applications. The following are examples of traffic flow for architecture with such a Service object, both with and without a Wallarm sidecar container.

Scheme of the traffic flow without the Wallarm sidecar container

An application container accepts incoming requests on port 8080/TCP, and the Service object forwards incoming requests to the same port (8080/TCP) on all healthy pods of the application (Kubernetes Deployment object).

Scheme of the traffic flow without Wallarm sidecar container

Scheme of the traffic flow with the Wallarm sidecar container

An application container accepts incoming requests on port 8080/TCP and the Service object forwards incoming requests to another port (for example, 80/TCP) on the Wallarm sidecar container. The Wallarm sidecar container filters requests and forwards the legitimate ones to the 8080/TCP port on all healthy pods of the application (Kubernetes Deployment object).

Scheme of the traffic flow with Wallarm sidecar container

When a Wallarm filtering node sidecar container is added to a Kubernetes pod it is necessary to change the flow of HTTP requests hitting the pod. A detailed description of changing this flow is provided in the instructions.

Wallarm sidecar container installation

The method of sidecar container installation depends on the Kubernetes application deployment options. Please select your option below and follow the instructions: