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Upgrading the postanalytics module

These instructions describe the steps to update the postanalytics module installed on a separate server. Postanalytics module must be updated before Upgrading Wallarm NGINX modules.

Step 1: Add new Wallarm repository

Delete the previous Wallarm repository address and add a repository with a new Wallarm node version packages. Please use the commands for the appropriate platform.

CentOS and Amazon Linux 2.0.2021x and lower

sudo yum remove wallarm-node-repo
sudo rpm -i
sudo yum remove wallarm-node-repo
sudo rpm -i

Debian and Ubuntu

  1. Open the file with the Wallarm repository address in the installed text editor. In this instruction, vim is used.

    sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list.d/wallarm.list
  2. Comment out or delete the previous repository address.

  3. Add a new repository address:

    deb stretch/2.18/
    deb stretch/2.18/
    deb stretch-backports/2.18/
    deb buster/2.18/
    deb xenial/2.18/
    deb bionic/2.18/

Step 2: Update the Tarantool packages

sudo apt update
sudo apt dist-upgrade
sudo apt update
sudo apt dist-upgrade
sudo yum update

Step 3: Restart the postanalytics module

sudo systemctl restart wallarm-tarantool
sudo service wallarm-tarantool restart
sudo systemctl restart wallarm-tarantool