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Updating NGINX Ingress controller with integrated Wallarm modules

These instructions describe the steps to upgrade deployed Wallarm Ingress Controller to the new version with Wallarm node 2.18.

  • To update Wallarm Ingress controller, you need to clone new Helm chart version and apply updates to the installed version.

  • Current Ingress controller settings and Ingress annotations will be saved and applied to a new version automatically.


  1. Clone new Helm chart version from the Wallarm repository:

    git clone --branch 2.18.1-8 --single-branch
  2. Update the previous Helm chart:

    helm upgrade --set controller.wallarm.enabled=true,controller.wallarm.token=<NODE_TOKEN> <INGRESS_CONTROLLER_NAME> ingress-chart/wallarm-ingress -n <KUBERNETES_NAMESPACE>
    helm upgrade --set controller.wallarm.enabled=true,controller.wallarm.token=<NODE_TOKEN>, <INGRESS_CONTROLLER_NAME> ingress-chart/wallarm-ingress -n <KUBERNETES_NAMESPACE>
    • <NODE_TOKEN> is the token of the Wallarm node received when installing Wallarm Ingress controller
    • <INGRESS_CONTROLLER_NAME> is the name of the Wallarm Ingress controller to update
    • <KUBERNETES_NAMESPACE> is the namespace of your Ingress


  1. Check that the version of Helm chart was updated:

    helm ls

    The chart version should correspond to wallarm-ingress-1.8.x.

  2. Get the list of pods specifying the name of the Wallarm Ingress controller in <INGRESS_CONTROLLER_NAME>:

    kubectl get pods -l release=<INGRESS_CONTROLLER_NAME>

    Each pod status should be STATUS: Running or READY: N/N. For example:

    NAME                                                              READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    ingress-controller-nginx-ingress-controller-675c68d46d-cfck8      3/3       Running   0          5m
    ingress-controller-nginx-ingress-controller-wallarm-tarantljj8g   8/8       Running   0          5m
    ingress-controller-nginx-ingress-default-backend-584ffc6c7xj5xx   1/1       Running   0          5m
  3. Send the request with test SQLI and XSS attacks to the Wallarm Ingress controller address:

    curl http://<INGRESS_CONTROLLER_IP>/?id='or+1=1--a-<script>prompt(1)</script>'

    If the filtering node is working in the block mode, the code 403 Forbidden will be returned in the response to the request and attacks will be displayed in Wallarm Console → Events.


Ingress controller settings and Ingress annotations will be automatically moved from the previous version to the new version. The list of all settings and annotations is available here.

Configuration use cases: