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Disabling IP Address Blocking for the Wallarm Scanner

Note that if you use the blocking mode of the filter node (the wallarm_mode directive) by default when detecting malicious requests, you must explicitly specify for the Wallarm scanner a list of IP addresses from which requests should not be blocked.

Suppose the following blocking settings are set in the NGINX configuration file:

geo $wallarm_mode_real {
    default block;          # Default blocking mode enabled monitoring;  # Monitoring mode (cancels blocking) off;            # Blocking mode for the address disabled
wallarm_mode $wallarm_mode_real;

The off directive is used keep each IP address reserved for the Wallarm scanner from being blocked.

The Wallarm Scanner IP Addresses

Lists of the IP addresses for the scanner:

To avoid overloading the NGINX configuration file, you can make a list of the IP addresses for the scanner in a separate file and then add its contents to the configuration file using the include directive.

For example, create the /etc/nginx/scanner-ip-list file:

# The list of the Wallarm scanner IP addresses off; off; off;
# Add all the required IP addresses here

Now use the include directive to include this list in the required block of the configuration file:

geo $wallarm_mode_real {
    default block; monitoring; off;
    include /etc/nginx/scanner-ip-list;
wallarm_mode $wallarm_mode_real;

Using Additional Traffic Filtering Facilities

Note that if you use additional facilities (software or hardware) to automatically filter and block traffic, it is also recommended that you configure an allowlist with the IP addresses for the Wallarm scanner.